Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hippie Clothing

When we talk of hippie clothing what precisely do we mean by it? The definitions that one may come across will be as weird as the clothing itself. So the conclusion that we can draw from is weird clothing that is usually not worn by main stream society.
There is one thing for sure is that this type of clothing makes one look chic but not in vogue as it different from what people usually found wearing on the road. Never the less to speak, there is something in these clothes that draws one in to wearing them.
What is it? It is the designing factor and the cuts and exposure in them. They are associated with nothing that would normally be found if you go to the mall to buy. You could pick a person with hippie clothing up from a mile as there is a contrasting difference in what he has on. 
The person who wears them on is also a maverick in his social order, he just does not want to confine himself to what is worn on as he does not want to follow the rules of conformity. 
You must be wondering where do these hippie clothing comes from. Hardly any of them are made in the country that they are worn. This is because the vast majority of the do not have time for them as they have much more important things on their minds. They dress for the activities that they are engaged in. That is their occupation.
So if they are not manufactured within the country where are they made and imported into the country from? That is a question that any hippie clothing lover would like to ask. Yes, they are made and imported into your countries from usually developing countries or countries yet to develop, like countries such as Nepal. 
Unfortunately much of the hippie clothing that you wear are not worn by the local inhabitants of the countries themselves even thought it stems from their ethnic clothing. They are more immune to the clothing that the people of your main streams wears. They love the glamor and glitter that the entertainment industries gives. 
If you happen to come down to the tourist hubs of any of these countries you might find the hippie clothing being sold in your locality being sold there. Most of the are exported to your country for your consumption by companies like ours called Kathmandu Hippie Clothing
So the next time you wonder what are hippie clothing and where they come from remember us we have the tale to tell you why.

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